Hotel Sun Sun-Singapore
This is a page from a travel sketchbook. The Sun-Sun hotel in Singapore. An old building in a part of town that escaped “progress”. Room #24-clean, inexpensive, and the air conditioner and fan worked great. Built in 1928 according to this link:
Here’s a comp for the U.S. Department if Agriculture. The poster campaign was to encourage school kids to make healthy choices in school cafeterias. This concept was titled “Launchtime”. I think the great, Chuck Thompson was the copywriter. Another concept knocked this out of the running. Fun work.
Random Sketchbook Page
Here’s a page from an old sketchbook- looks like early 90’s from the subjects. The Great Ray Charles, Keith Richards and Bono before he traded-in his headwear for eyewear.
Pardon our dust
The dust from the website refurbishment is beginning to settle. Plenty of detailing and trim-work still to do. Here’s an old marker comp for a client’s ad campaign.I think there’s some colored pencil in there too. These days this would be a job for photoshop as the markers and pencils gather dust.
Here we go…
Despite the fact that there is no shortage of blogs, I’m starting another. A blog might be just the place to highlight some of the sketches and projects that have be relegated to obscurity in drawers and my studio closet. Maybe some works in progress too. We’ll see where this goes…and where I’ve been. Gerry O’Neill -February 2015